
Steam deck cost
Steam deck cost

steam deck cost

Upgrading the Steam DeckĪll versions of the Steam Deck utilize a high-speed SSD of some kind. Gyro: 2.4GHz / 5GHz Wifi, Bluetooth 5.0Ĭheck out how the Steam Deck specs compare to the Nintendo Switch, PS5, and Xbox Series X in our breakdown.Connectivity: 2.4GHz / 5GHz Wifi, Bluetooth 5.0.

steam deck cost

Ports (dock included): microSD card expansion, USB 2.0 and 3.1, HDMI, DisplayPort.Video output (docked): up to 4K 120Hz / 8K 60Hz (game performance at these often resolutions remains to be seen).Storage: 64GB eMMC base, 256GB and 512GB NVMe PCIe Gen 3 SSDs available.RAM: 16 GB LPDDR5 on-board RAM (5500 MT/s quad 32-bit channels).Here are the full system specs, complete with unit dimensions and dock features: Valve has positioned the Steam Deck as a gaming laptop that you can hold like a Switch, and for how small it is, it's packing some serious power.

Steam deck cost